Income Differentials on Regional Labour Markets in Southwest Germany

Die Veröffentlichung von Alice Guyot, Stefan Berwing und Maria Lauxen-Ulbrich untersucht die Einkommensdifferenzen von Frauen und Männern in unterschiedlichen Regionen in Baden-Württemberg.

Summary: The aim of our paper is to identify explanatory variables for income disparities
between women and men across different regional types. Using data from the BA
Employment Panel (BEP) descriptive statistics show that the gender pay gap grows
wider from core regions to periphery. The main explanatory variables for the income
differentials are vocational education in the men’s case and size of enterprise in the
women’s case. Whereas in the case of women the importance of vocational status increases
and the importance of size of enterprise decreases from rural areas to urban areas.






Initiativen und Portale des ifm:
Stefan Berwing