Artikel zur Wirksamkeit staatlicher Innovationsförderung für KMU von Niclas Rüffer, Detlef Keese und Michael Woywode erscheint im 28. Band der International Series on Entrepreneurship

Der Artikel "Enrolment process in an R&D subsidy program for SMEs – evidence from South-West Germany" von Rüffer, Keese und Woywode erscheint im 28. Band der "International Series on Entrepreneurship". Das von Audretsch, D.B.; Lehmann, E.E.; Link, A.N.; Starnecker, A. (Hrsg.) unter dem Titel: "Technology Transfer in a Global Economy" herausgegebene Werk erscheint im Springer Verlag Anfang 2013.

Inhaltliche Kurzzusammenfassung:
The literature on R&D subsidy programs has mainly focused on final outcomes and has largely ignored the processes that operate within programs. The implementation of subsidy programs and the procedures used to allocate funds might have a profound impact on the final economic outcome though. In the paper we are discussing from a theoretical point of view the targeting process of R&D subsidy programs and derive a number of testable hypotheses. Furthermore, we  analyze empirically the Enrolment in a particular R&D promotion program.


Initiativen und Portale des ifm:
Dr. Niclas Rüffer