Master thesis seminar fall/winter 2018: Application is open until 26th of August 2018

Students wishing to write their thesis at the ifm are kindly invited to register for the seminar MAN 770 until the 26th of August. The seminar will cover cutting edge research on entrepreneurship, digitalization, professionalization, and strategic management in family firms.

With the topics entrepreneurship, digitalization, professionalization, and strategic management in family firms the research seminar MAN 770 fall/winter semester 2018 offers a wide selection of topics. Each of them is an aspect that is currently discussed in the German economy and puts decision makers, firm owners, and researchers alike under pressure to offer apt solutions to the challenges of our time. MAN 770 introduces students to this current debate and fosters the student’s familiarity with many of the focal topics currently being researched at the institute for small and medium sized companies (ifm), providing an excellent basis for a master thesis on a timely and modern topic.

A brief outline of the course, its objectives, and its application mode are provided below:

Capsule Course Outline: This research seminar covers current research at the intersection of strategic
management research, entrepreneurship, and family firms. A particular focus is put on research on digitalization
and the role of CEOs. Students will discuss and reflect upon questions such as “Are family
CEOs superior performers?”, “What does it mean to be "married-to-the-firm"?”, “Are founder CEOs
more overconfident than professional CEOs?”, “How to master digital transformation in family firms?”
and “What is the social context of firm ownership?” This is an advanced course to be taken towards the
master’s end in preparation for the master thesis. Students take this course to prepare a solid foundation for their master thesis.

Objectives: The goal of the course is twofold. First, it is designed to help participants gain access
to the main topics and theories intersecting strategic management, entrepreneurship,
& family business research. We will read and discuss 14 seminal articles, and simulate
an academic conference in class. This familiarizes participants with the state of the
art research, its designs & methods, and the respective current academic debate.
The second goal of the course is to familiarize students with the core techniques of scientific
work in business studies. This includes developing a research idea, evaluating and discussing
its contribution, and reporting results in article and presentation format.

A more detailed syllabus is attached below. Please note that there is also an optional tutorium class for which students may wish to register also.

Application: Course capacity is limited. Registration via the student portal (Portal2.unimannheim.
de) is mandatory (Open until 26.8.2018). Additionally, apply to by sending your student ID, transcript of grades,
and CV & motivation letter (both 1 page). Application deadline: 26.8.2018


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