Andrew Isaak, MBA promoviert mit einer Arbeit zu Vertrauen in Online Peer to Peer Märkten an der BWL-Fakultät der Universität Mannheim

Inspired by the rise of new and mostly intermediary plattform organizations Andrew Isaak; MBA examines in his dissertation a number of new organizational forms and their activities - in particular he looks at crowdfunding and crowdlending organizations as well as on cryptocurrency (Bitcoin) trading in four empirical studies, that highlight informational self-presentation behavior and behavioral decision making processes. A special focus of his work is on analyzing facets of trust and how trust (or the lack thereof) can hamper or facilitate the diffusion of such new organizational models.

The internet has led to the rapid emergence of new organizational forms such as sharing economy organizations, ecommerce companies, crowdfunding and crowdlending organizations and those based on the blockchain (particularly, cryptocurrency trading). These new forms hold large promises for individuals and societies as a whole but they also encounter serious challenges.

In order to be sustainable these new organizational forms need to gain acceptance of a significant public user base as well as acknowledgement from state authorities upon which they depend for their continued existence and growth. Particularly in early phases of adoption and diffusion, proponents of new organizational forms must overcome strong distrust and skepticism from all sides – potential customers, suppliers, banks and potential regulating bodies are all understandably skeptical of such developments as these bring with them not only promises but are often accompanied by Schumpeterian processes of creative destruction.

Following his Ph.D: Andrew Isaak took an offer as Assistant Professor for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Organization at SolBridge International School of Business a striving business school in South Korea. Andrew received his early academic education in the US, among others he holds an MBA from Pace University. He studied at University of Mannheim and the ifm Mannheim between 2015 and 2018..




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