
152 News

ifm Mannheim gains qualifications in interactive methods of teaching at the European Entrepreneurship Colloquium in Maastricht (30.07.09)
Dr. Vartuhi Tonoyan and Dipl-Kfm. Frederik Metzger, MBA, research fellows and lecturers at the Department of SME Research and Entrepreneurship, completed the one-week 2009 European Entrepreneurship Colloquium (EEC) in Maastricht, the Netherlands, managed and hosted by the University of Maastricht in close collaboration with the KU Leuven and the RWTH Aachen University. mehr...
Dissertationsverteidigung mit Auszeichnung von Frau Dr. Vartuhi Tonoyan (26.07.09)
Vartuhi Tonoyan, hat ihre Promotion zum Thema „Corruption, Entrepreneurship and Institutional Environment - A Cross-National Comparison between Emerging and Mature Market Economies“ am 3. Juni 2009 an der Betriebswirtschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Mannheim mit Auszeichnung („summa cum laude“) abgeschlossen. mehr...
Publikation: From collective learning to Silicon Valley replication: The limits to synergistic entrepreneurship in Sophia Antipolis - Artikel in Research in International Business and Finance (25.07.09)
Prof. Robert Isaak (ifm, Visiting Professor in Entrepreneurship) hat einen Artikel im Journal "Research in International Business and Finance" publiziert. mehr...
Landesprogramm "Junge Innovatoren" fördert Existenzgründungen von jungen wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern (15.12.08)
Das Ministerium Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg lanciert die 21. Tranche des Programms "Junge Innovatoren" mit Förderbeginn 01.04.2009. Anträge können von wissenschaftlichen MitarbeiterInnen bis zum 02.01.2009 im Dezernat I der Universität Mannheim eingereicht werden. mehr...
ifm study on "Gender Gap in Potential Entrepreneurship" accepted for the 2008 Academy of Management Meeting (17.03.08)
The study "Gender Gap in Potential Entrepreneurship: The Effects of Segregation and Job Characteristics: A Cross-National Comparison between 14 Western European Countries" by Vartuhi Tonoyan, Robert Strohmeyer & Mohsin Habib has been accepted for the presentation at the 2008 Academy of Management Meeting (AOM), Anaheim, California, August 8-13. mehr...
Corruption, Entrepreneurship and Institutional Environment (12.03.08)
Vartuhi Tonoyan "Corruption, Entrepreneurship and Institutional Environment: A Cross-National Comparison between Emerging and Mature Market Economies", presentation at the division on "Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy" of the Max Planck Institute (MPI) Jena, Germany, March 12, 2008.
ifm study accepted for the presentation at the ZEW Workshop on "Gender and the Labour Market" (04.02.08)
The study "Employment Growth and Firm Innovativeness in Women- and Men-Owned Small Firms in Germany: An Effect of Endowments?" by Robert Strohmeyer & Vartuhi Tonoyan has been accepted for the presentation at the Workshop on "Gender and the Labour Market" at the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Mannheim, March 28-29, 2008. The Workshop is part of the project on "Flexibility in Heterogeneous Labor Markets" funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). mehr...
Why Do Firms Bribe? Impact of Institutions, Economic Rationality and Social Norms on Corrupt Behavior of Entrepreneurs: A Cross-National Comparison (29.11.07)
Vartuhi Tonoyan "Why Do Firms Bribe? Impact of Institutions, Economic Rationality and Social Norms on Corrupt Behavior of Entrepreneurs: A Cross-National Comparison", PhD Study presented at the Department of Psychology and Statistics, Center for Decision Sciences and Center for Research on Environmental Decisions, Columbia University, New York City, USA, November 29, 2007.

13 Projekte

11 Personen


Initiativen und Portale des ifm: