ifm wins IECER best paper award

The paper „Business on the Line: Entrepreneurs and Family Firms in Crises” authored by Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Marc Kowalzick (both ifm/Uni Mannheim), Jochim G. Lauterbach (TU Munich) and Jennifer L. Petriglieri (INSEAD) was awarded as best conference paper at this year’s virtual IECER conference. IECER is an annual international conference on entrepreneurship, attended by researchers and business and government representatives from around the world. A central aspect on the article's data set on family firms was received as a courtesy of the chair of Prof. Kaserer (TU Munich).

In a multi-stage selection process, the article was among the highest scoring papers according to reviewers and was then re-reviewed and selected by a scientific jury committee. The jury especially praised the rigorous empirical-analytical approach and the practical significance of the central findings of the ifm study. In 2019 an article by Baris Istipliler, Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Andrew Isaak and Suleika Bort already won the IECER Award, making the re-newed best paper award reception in 2020 an outstanding moment for the ifm.

With this award, the scientific contributions of the ifm family firm research team from the years 2019/2020 are rounded of, with a total of 4 best paper awards, 4 award nominations, 1 VHB C and 3 VHB A publications, together with best reviewer recognitions. Finally, all members of the ifm family firm team, as well as the labour market & self-employment team organized this year’s 6th International Research Forum with the support of the German Research Foundation (DFG) featuring more than 300 registered participants from over 45 countries and around 50 academic article presentations in a two day virtual conference.


Initiativen und Portale des ifm:
PD Dr. habil. Jan-Philipp Ahrens
Dr. Marc Kowalzick
Dr. Baris Istipliler