SME-research collaboration with Eastern Partnership Countries

The Institute for SME Research (ifm) launched a strategic initiative aimed at advancing digital transformation efforts in Eastern Europe. By cooperating with researchers from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldavia, Ukraine, and Georgia, this project seeks to impart critical competencies and foster expertise in scientific support for digital transformation within these nations. Building on ifm’s previous engagements in the region, this initiative also aims to expand scientific networks and collaborations. In collaboration with GIZ, the project reached out to potential research institutions and government entities, enhancing the initiative's scope and impact through diversified.

The primary objective is to conduct targeted research projects relevant to SMEs using quantitative methods not yet applied in the partner countries. At the end, each project should have written a research article and have the opportunity to present their research at conferences. By harnessing ifm's extensive expertise, from data collection to policy analysis, the project facilitates a collaborative environment where local knowledge from the partner countries meets international research standards. Therefore, the ifm organizes a suite of modules covering data collection, analysis, and evaluation is available, tailored to the specific needs and goals of the participants. Also, knowledge dissemination occurs through a blend of in-person workshops in partner countries and accessible online platforms, ensuring a comprehensive educational experience. Participants are encouraged to propose research ideas, which are then collaboratively refined and pursued, with the aim of contributing findings to academic journals and conferences.

This initiative offers a platform for researchers, policy makers, and institutions in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Moldavia and Georgia to engage in meaningful research that drives digital transformation forward. We welcome the involvement of those committed to developing a digitally advanced and competitive region.

The project commenced on April 11, 2024, with a kickoff meeting introducing the projects and participants. This marked the beginning of an extensive schedule of workshops, training sessions, and research activities aimed at nurturing digital transformation through scholarly and practical engagement. The following projects were chosen:

  1. Key determinants of successful digital transformation and the variation across different industries
  2. Measuring the effectiveness of MSME development policy - the case of Azerbaijan
  3. Demining Utility Index (DUI) for Agricultural Land in Ukraine
  4. Impact evaluation of the state SME support programs on the firms’ financial performance
  5. Identifying determinants impacting the labor productivity of Moldovan enterprises




Initiativen und Portale des ifm:
Ralf Philipp
René Weiß