Family Firms

Family Firms ifm Mannheim


The interdisciplinary research group “Family Firms” of the University of Mannheim is dedicated to independent family firm research since over 30 years. We are internationally visible experts from the areas Organization, Soziology, Psychology, Information Systems and Entrepreneurship. We bring in our expertise in international academic research, in research projects on EU-, country, or state level, as well as in academic teaching and knowledge transfer events for family entrepreneurs and practitioners.

Our interdisciplinary, behavioristic, and theoretical focus is inspired by the ideas of the Carnegie School (Simon, Cyert, March) and we cultivate corresponding academic exchange within SCANCOR at the universities Stanford and Harvard. Between 2010-2020 members of the research group published in leading international academic outlets, such as Administrative Science Quarterly (VHB: A+), Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice (VHB: A), Journal of Business Venturing (VHB: A), and the Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (VHB: A). Within the same timeframe, the research group received more than 15 best paper awards and organized international research conferences with the support of the German Research Foundation (DFG). Results of our research were mentioned in formats like Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Spiegelonline, or Deutschlandfunk.

Head of researchgroup

PD Dr. habil. Jan-Philipp Ahrens
Raum:  EO 281
Telefon:  +49 621 1813559

Finance & administration

Ute Becker
Raum:  EO 267
Telefon:  +49 621 1812885

Researchgroup members

Jochen Baumgardt, M.A.
Raum:  Raum 104
Telefon:  +49 621 1811733
Prof. Dr. Franciele Beck
Raum:  EO 267
Telefon:  +49 621 1812273 (secretary)
Sofie Geisser
Raum:  107
Telefon:  +49 621 1812890
Dr. Sina Großkopf
Raum:  EO 267
Telefon:  +49 621 1812273 (secretary)
Annegret Hauer
Raum:  EO 280
Telefon:  +49 621 1813558
Dr. Baris Istipliler
Raum:  EO 270
Telefon:  +49 621 1812766
Prof. Tatiane Meurer
Raum:  EO 267
Telefon:  +49 621 1812273 (secretary)
Alicia Minnerup, M.Sc.
Raum:  SO 102–105
Telefon:  +49 621 1811639
Freya Onneken, B.Sc.
Raum:  107
Telefon:  +49 621 1812890
Kyung eun (Trixie) Park, M.Sc.
Raum:  EO 269
Telefon:  +49 621 1812890
Melania Riefolo, M.Sc.
Raum:  EO 281
Telefon:  +49 621 1812890
Dr. Maren Rottler, M.A.
Raum:  105, L 5, 4
Telefon:  +49 621 181–1816
Dr. Iuliia Shkrabaliuk
Raum:  EO 280
Telefon:  +49 621 1812963
Dr. Robert Strohmeyer
Raum:  EO 264
Telefon:  +49 621 1812895
Dr. Jan Klaus Tänzler
Raum:  EO 264
Natalie Welch
Raum:  107
Telefon:  +49 621 1812890

Affiliated researchers

Prof. Dr. Fabian Bernhard
Prof. Dr. Suleika Bort
Dr. Andrew Isaak
Dr. Detlef Keese
Prof. (em.) Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Alfred Kieser
Telefon:  +49 621 1812273
Fax:  +49 621 1812892
Dr. Marc Kowalzick
Prof. Dr. Kateryna Nekit
Prof. Dr. Melanie Richards
Prof. Dr. Dennis Steininger



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Initiativen und Portale des ifm:
Dr. Robert Strohmeyer
Prof. Dr. Melanie Richards
Prof. Dr. Kateryna Nekit
Prof. Dr. Franciele Beck
Prof. Dr. Franciele Beck
Jochen Baumgardt, M.A.
Dr. Sina Großkopf
Sofie Geisser
Prof. Dr. Fabian Bernhard
Dr. Jan Klaus Tänzler
Natalie Welch
Dr. Andrew Isaak
Jochen Baumgardt, M.A.
Sofie Geisser
Dr. Sina Großkopf
Annegret Hauer
Prof. Tatiane Meurer
Dr. Baris Istipliler
Dr. Iuliia Shkrabaliuk
Dr. Maren Rottler, M.A.
Dr. Baris Istipliler
Dr. Robert Strohmeyer
Freya Onneken, B.Sc.
Alicia Minnerup, M.Sc.
Annegret Hauer
Melania Riefolo, M.Sc.
Kyung eun (Trixie) Park, M.Sc.
Prof. Tatiane Meurer
Natalie Welch
Dr. Niclas Rüffer
Dr. Jan Klaus Tänzler
Freya Onneken, B.Sc.
Kyung eun (Trixie) Park, M.Sc.
-  Veröffentlichungen und Vorträge
Alicia Minnerup, M.Sc.
-  Laufende Forschungsprojekte
-  Abgeschlossene Forschungsprojekte
Prof. Dr. Fabian Bernhard
-  Vision
-  Head of researchgroup
-  Finance & administration
-  Researchgroup members
-  Affiliated researchers
-  Lecturer
-  Alumni
Dr. Niclas Rüffer
Dr. Marie Oehme
PD Dr. habil. Jan-Philipp Ahrens
Ute Becker
PD Dr. habil. Jan-Philipp Ahrens
Ute Becker
Prof. (em.) Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Alfred Kieser
Dr. Detlef Keese
Dr. Detlef Keese
Melania Riefolo, M.Sc.
Prof. (em.) Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Alfred Kieser
Dr. Andrew Isaak
Dr. Iuliia Shkrabaliuk
Dr. Marie Oehme
Georg Harenberg, Dipl.-Kfm., MBA
Prof. Dr. Melanie Richards
Prof. Dr. Kateryna Nekit
Dr. Maren Rottler, M.A.
Dr. Marc Kowalzick
Dr. Marc Kowalzick