
Article by Baris Istipliler is published at Journal of Management Studies (FT50, VHB: A) with Open Access license (08.07.24)
Coauthored also by Samuel Adomako (Birmingham University), Fei Zhu (University of Nottingham Ningbo China), Dan Hsu (North Dakota State University) and Johan Wiklund (Syracuse University), the article titled “Navigating Environmental Threats to New Ventures: A Regulatory Fit Approach to Bricolage” focuses on the direct and indirect role of dispositional regulatory focus of entrepreneurs on their bricolage activities. mehr...
Journal Article by Claire Mula, Nora Zybura and Thomas Hipp has been published in Technological Forecasting and Social Change (26.06.24)
Journal Article by Claire Mula, Nora Zybura and Thomas Hipp has been published in Technological Forecasting and Social Change mehr...
Journal Article coauthored by Jan Zybura, Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Baris Istipliler, Michael Woywode and Marc Kowalzick is accepted by Journal of General Management (31.05.24)
Titled as “It takes two to Tango - Conceptualizing the “succession dance” in family firms through social exchange theory”, the new paper is coauthored by ifm researchers Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Baris Istipliler and Michael Woywode as well as ifm Alumni Jan Zybura and Marc Kowalzick (Rotterdam School of Management). mehr...
How Iranian students can master integration into German academia (24.05.24)
Ata Makarem and Karel Douglas Klika
in: Nature Physics 20, 678 - 679

In recent years, German universities have been a destination for thousands of Iranians, especially for doctoral programmes. Dr Ata Makarem, at the time a scientist at the University of Mannheim, and Dr Karel Klika from the German Cancer Research Centre discussed this topic in ‘Nature Physics’ and gave helpful advice for future students.
The past catches up with everyone: legal failures of the previous generation threaten a family firm’s future (21.05.24)
Case Study published by Jan Klaus Tänzler and Annegret Hauer in:
Case Studies in Family Business
Overcoming Destructive Conflict, Deviance, and Dysfunction in the Family Firm
Edited by Roland E. Kidwell
July 2024 ISBN: 978 1 03530 734 0, 246 pp mehr...
Jan-Philipp Ahrens achieves Habilitation from Mannheim University (29.04.24)
Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Head of the Interdisciplinary Research Group Family Firms of the ifm Mannheim, receives the highest academic qualification a person can achieve, from Germany's #1 university in business studies: Mannheim University! mehr...
Prof. Dr. Liu Yipeng - Research Associate at ifm Mannheim and Professor at the Centre for China Management and Global Business at Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK - publishes in the Journal of Product Innovation Management (31.12.23)
This article draws on responsible innovation (RI) undertaken by hybrid organizations, institutional rigidity, and national innovation systems (NISs) to assess and contextualize the innovation performance of for-profit firms seeking to resolve grand challenges (GCs). mehr...
Journal Article by Jan-Philipp Ahrens and Baris Istipliler is published at Small Business Economics (VHB: B) with Open Access license (14.11.23)
Coauthored also with Isabell Stamm from Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Societies and Fabian Bernhard from EDHEC Business School, the article titled “Marriage: an institution you cannot disparage? Evidence on the marriage norms of entrepreneurs” focuses on the different marriage norms embraced by different groups of entrepreneurs as well as non-entrepreneurs. mehr...
Journal Article coauthored by Baris Istipliler and Jan-Philipp Ahrens is published in the Journal of Business Research (VHB: B) (24.09.23)
The study titled “Is exposure to the family firm always good for the next CEO? How successor pre-succession firm experience affects post-succession performance in family firms” investigates the impact of pre-succession firm experience of CEO successors on the post-succession firm performance of family firms. mehr...
Journal Article coauthored by Baris Istipliler, Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Annegret Hauer and Michael Woywode is published at Journal of Small Business Management (VHB: B) with Open Access license (09.09.23)
Also co-authored by Dennis Steininger from Technical University of Kaiserslautern, the study titled “Heroes of the Green Room – How able successors revitalize and reinvent family firms” conceptualizes the phenomenon of CEO succession in family firms as a unique opportunity for the incoming generation to revitalize and reinvigorate the organization. mehr...
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