Lecture Materials for "Introduction to Entrepreneurship" are available online!

As of now the lecture materials (slides, case studies, English-German course dictionary) for the Part I of the MAN 630 lecture „Introduction to Entrepreneurship“ (Lecturers: Dr. Vartuhí Tonoyan & Professor Michael Woywode) are available online.
Please consult the "Studierendenportal" webpage at "portal.uni-mannheim.de".

Note that there is a folder with the required journal articles and book chapters (as a complement to the lecture slides) which you can borrow from the Department of SME Research and Entrepreneurship (address: L9, 1-2, 1st level, Room Nr. 111) Tuesdays to Fridays from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm. The contact person for the folder is our secretary, Ms. Miriam Herman.
Unfortunately, we are not entitled to upload journal articles and book chapters into the web because of the copyright restrictions.



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