Dr. Baris Istipliler

Baris Istipliler is a post-doctoral research associate at University of Mannheim, Chair of Entrepreneurship and SME Research. He obtained his doctorate and M.Sc. from University of Mannheim.

During his studies, Baris has worked at multiple MNCs and gained experience in the fields of treasury & investor relations, controlling, entrepreneurial finance, financial accounting as well as operations. His research interests lie in the fields of entrepreneurial cognition and behavior, entrepreneurial failure, SME innovation as well as transgenerational entrepreneurship and family business research. Baris’s research was granted several awards and award nominations in international field conferences and published in journals such as Journal of Business Research, Journal of Small Business Management, Journal of General Management. 

Baris spent the timeframe between Sep 2021 and Jan 2022 at Stanford University as a visiting scholar at SCANCOR. His stay was funded by a DAAD Grant. 

For further details and curriculum: University of Mannheim Website

For further information: Research Gate Profile


  • Lanivich, S. E., Adomako, S., Ahsan, M., Istipliler, B., & Cox, K. C. (2023). Multidimensional cognitive style: Linking founders to firm performance through strategy and resource orchestration. Journal of Business Research166, 114081.
  • Istipliler, B., Ahrens, J. P., Hauer, A., Steininger, D., & Woywode, M. (2023). Heroes of the Green Room–How able successors revitalize and reinvent family firms. Journal of Small Business Management, 1-48.
  • Istipliler, B., Bort, S., & Woywode, M. (2023). Flowers of adversity: Institutional constraints and innovative SMEs in transition economies. Journal of Business Research154, 113306.
  • Karami, M., Tang, J., Istipliler, B., Adomako, S. (2023). Resource induced coping heuristics transform psychological capital into opportunity recognition. Journal of General Management, 48(3), 241-252
  • Ahrens, J.-P., Isaak, A. J., Istipliler, B., & Steininger, D. M. 2019. The Star Citizen Phenomenon & the ‘Ultimate Dream Management’ technique in crowdfunding. In Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Munich, Germany, p. 1–9.
  • Istipliler, B. & Ahrens, J.P., 2019. Role of sovereignty goals in explaining stakeholder orientation in family firms. In Academy of Management Proceedings, Vol. 2019, No. 1, p. 14418


Institut für Mittelstandsforschung
Lehrstuhl für Mittelstandsforschung und Entrepreneurship




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ifm wins IECER best paper award (20.11.20)
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Initiativen und Portale des ifm: